Frequently Asked Questions

When did AusCann become a publicly listed company?

AusCann (ASX:AC8) was readmitted to the Australian Securities Exchange on the 3 February 2017 after 100% of its shares were acquired by listed company, TW Holdings Limited.

What are AusCann’s head office contact details?

AusCann’s Australian Registered Office is:

Level 2
16 O’Connell Street
Sydney NSW 2000

Tel: (08) 6305 0705

Who manages the share register?

The share registry is managed by ComputerShare.

How can I buy and sell AusCann shares?

AusCann’s shares are traded on the ASX and can be bought or sold through a Licensed Stock Broker. The process of buying or selling shares is explained on the ASX website.

How can I obtain an Annual Report?

You can find all of our Annual Reports here.

How can I follow AusCann’s share price activity?

Current share prices are available on the ASX website and can be searched using AusCann’s ASX ticker symbol: AC8

Where do I find information about my shareholding?

The AusCann share register is managed by Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd (Computershare). Computershare provides a number of services which can be accessed online. When accessing some information online you may be required to enter your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) as shown on your Issuer Sponsored/CHESS statements and other personal details such as your postcode.

The following links provide access the following Computershare services:
Your holding

View your current holding and transaction history and update your details online.
Computershare forms

Access and download the most frequently requested forms necessary to make changes to your holding, such as Change of Address Notification, Tax File Number Notification and Direct Credit Instruction.
Electronic notice of general meetings / voting forms and dividend statements

Subscribe to receive notification of general meetings/voting forms and dividend statements by email.

If you are unable to access the information you require online, please contact Computershare. It will assist if you can quote your current address together with your Security Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) as shown on your Issuer Sponsored/CHESS statements.

Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd

Australia: 1300 367 027
International: (+61 3) 9946 4421


Postal address
The Registrar Computershare Investor Services Pty Ltd
GPO Box 2975

Office address
Level 17, 221 St George’s Terrace

What is AusCann’s ASX ticker code?

The ASX ticker code for AusCann is AC8

Where can I find the latest financial information for AusCann?
The latest financial reports can be found on our website
Where can I find details of upcoming events in the financial Calendar?
Details of AusCann’s reporting calendar and upcoming events can be found here
What is AusCann’s financial year end?
AusCann’s end of financial year is the 30 June
Who are the auditors for AusCann?
PKF Perth – visit website here
Where can I find your Corporate Governance Plan?

Our Corporate Governance plan can be found here. This includes our Board Charter, Code of Conduct, Diversity Policy, Continuous Disclosure Policy, Shareholder Communication Policy, Risk Management Policy and our Securities Trading Policy.

Who is the Company Secretary?

Rachel Kerr 